Category: Existing/Potential Remediation Site
Location: South of the Meadowlands Corporate Center in Lyndhurst, Bergen County.
Latitude/Longitude: 40.79462/-74.10118
Current Land Use: Passive open space; recreational park with ballfields and two sets of radio towers; unremediated landfill.
Size: 232 acres
Current Ownership: NJMC
Site Description: Operations at the Lyndhurst Landfill ceased in the early 1970’s.
Existing Site-Specific Data Inventory
A. Survey, Maps, and GIS
HMD regional data exists inclusive of this site. Aerial photograph shot in 2002.
B. Real Estate/Ownership
Owned by NJMC
C. Site History & Land Use
Background information provided in 2001 report.
D. Biological Studies – Fauna
No data obtained.
E. Biological Studies – General Environmental
Background site investigation completed in 2002. JD issued in 2000.
F. Geotechnical
Baseline data obtained in 2000-2003.
G. Hydraulics and Hydrology
Baseline data obtained in 2003.
H. Water and Sediments
Baseline data obtained in 2000-2003.
I. Historical/Cultural Resources
No data obtained.
J. Restoration/Remediation Design Plans
Wetland mitigation plan developed in 2001. Remedial action plan developed in 2003.
Site Reports
Site #48 – Lyndhurst Landfill
Category: Existing/Potential Remediation Site
Location: South of the Meadowlands Corporate Center in Lyndhurst, Bergen County.
Latitude/Longitude: 40.79462 / -74.10118
Current Land Use: Passive open space; recreational park with ball fields and two sets of radio towers; unremediated landfill.
Size: 232 acres
Current Ownership: NJMC
Site Description: Operations at the Lyndhurst Landfill ceased in the early 1970’s.
Existing Site Specific Data Inventory
* – Report repeated under multiple data categories and/or sites.
A. Survey, Maps, and GIS
Relevant survey, mapping, and GIS data for the Meadowlands can be found in the Meadowlands-wide site report under data category A.
1. *NJMC. Kucera Panochromatic Imagery for the Meadowlands. February 2002. Most recent aerial photographs of the Hackensack Meadowlands District.
B. Real Estate/Ownership
Lyndhurst Landfill is owned by NJMC.
2. *HMDC. The HMDC Official Orphan Landfill Tour. January 1999. [2] Submitted to the USACE as part of permit application No. 93-00080 Volume VIII of XXV March 99. It includes specific site descriptions and proposed closure tasks and concerns for Malanka, Avon, Lyndhurst, Rutherford, Erie, and Keegan Landfills.
C. Site History & Land Use
3. *L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc. Final Remedial Investigation Report: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills September 2001. [2a] Background and site investigations were conducted to determine the following: past/present land uses, physical/chemical characteristics of fill used to construct current lands, contaminant presence and migration pathways, contaminant impacts to local environment, and preliminary information needed for remediation, design, and permitting.
D. Biological Studies – Fauna
No data obtained.
E. Biological Studies – General Environmental
4. *Dru Associates. Wetland Delineation Report for the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Redevelopment Area: Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. March 2002. [3] A wetland delineation was performed for the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Redevelopment Area, which includes the Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The report includes a topographic map showing the delineation boundaries and transect locations.
5. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located in Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site including topography, soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contains IVA assessments for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan.
6. *USACE. Jurisdictional Determination: EnCap Site/Northern Golf Course Resort Site (Application No. 2000-00381). 7/3/2000. [2] A jurisdictional determination was performed by the USACE in 2000 for the Lyndhurst, Rutherford, and Avon Landfills.
F. Geotechnical
7. *L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc. Final Remedial Investigation Report: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills September 2001. [1] Background and site investigations were conducted to determine the following: past/present land uses, physical/chemical characteristics of fill used to construct current lands, contaminant presence and migration pathways, contaminant impacts to local environment, and preliminary information needed for remediation, design, and permitting.
8. *L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc. Preliminary Assessment Report: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Redevelopment Area (Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills). March 2000. [1] Background research and site investigations were conducted at the Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills to identify the presence and extent of areas of concern associated with former landfill operations, as well as types and levels of contamination. Includes recommendations to fill existing data gaps necessary to implement a remediation plan, and ultimately develop these properties.
9. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Draft Geotechnical Engineering Feasibility Study: Vertical Development at the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. July 2002. [1] A feasibility study to identify site-specific geotechnical considerations and evaluate foundation concepts for the proposed vertical development at the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. Test boring, laboratory test data, and previous geotechnical investigations were reviewed. Contains construction plans for vertical development.
10. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Remedial Investigation Report, Remedial Action Selection Report, Remedial Action Work Plan, and Major Landfill Disruption Application. October 2003. [1] Summarizes prior remedial studies, including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and air quality investigations. The report details a remedial action plan, and discusses a remedial action package for the site.
G. Hydraulics and Hydrology
11. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Remedial Investigation Report, Remedial Action Selection Report, Remedial Action Work Plan, and Major Landfill Disruption Application. October 2003. [1] Summarizes prior remedial studies, including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and air quality investigations. The report details a remedial action plan, and discusses a remedial action package for the site.
H. Water and Sediments
12. *L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc. Final Remedial Investigation Report: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills September 2001. [1] Background and site investigations were conducted to determine the following: past/present land uses, physical/chemical characteristics of fill used to construct current lands, contaminant presence and migration pathways, contaminant impacts to local environment, and preliminary information needed for remediation, design, and permitting.
13. *L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc. Preliminary Assessment Report: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Redevelopment Area (Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills). March 2000. [1] Background research and site investigations were conducted at the Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills to identify the presence and extent of areas of concern associated with former landfill operations, as well as types and levels of contamination. Includes recommendations to fill existing data gaps necessary to implement a remediation plan, and ultimately develop these properties.
14. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Remedial Investigation Report, Remedial Action Selection Report, Remedial Action Work Plan, and Major Landfill Disruption Application. October 2003. [1] Summarizes prior remedial studies, including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and air quality investigations. The report details a remedial action plan, and discusses a remedial action package for the site.
I. Historical/Cultural Resources
No data obtained.
J. Restoration/Remediation Design Plans
15. *HMDC. The HMDC Official Orphan Landfill Tour. January 1999. [2] Submitted to the USACE as part of permit application No. 93-00080 Volume VIII of XXV March 99. It includes specific site descriptions and proposed closure tasks and concerns for Malanka, Avon, Lyndhurst, Rutherford, Erie, and Keegan Landfills.
16. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Draft Geotechnical Engineering Feasibility Study: Vertical Development at the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. July 2002. [1] A feasibility study to identify site-specific geotechnical considerations and evaluate foundation concepts for the proposed vertical development at the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. Test boring, laboratory test data, and previous geotechnical investigations were reviewed. Contains construction plans for vertical development.
17. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located in Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site including topography, soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contains IVA assessments for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan.
18. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Remedial Investigation Report, Remedial Action Selection Report, Remedial Action Work Plan, and Major Landfill Disruption Application. October 2003. [1] Summarizes prior remedial studies, including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and air quality investigations. The report details a remedial action plan, and discusses a remedial action package for the site.
19. Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Revised Remedial Action Workplan/Closure Plan and Major Landfill Disruption Application: Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. April 2002. [1] Comprehensive description of the remediation plan for the Lyndhurst and Rutherford Landfills. Addresses the following: NJDEP permit conditions (dating from December 2001), property adjustments to the Lyndhurst project site, evaluation of the use of a processed dredge material cover system, use of a vertical hydraulic barrier, and proposed improvements to Viola Ditch.
K. Bibliographic Updates
Site #48: Lyndhurst Landfill