Category: Existing/Potential Remediation Site
Location: Bordered to the west by New Jersey Transit Kingsland Line and the north by New Jersey Transit Main Line, in North Arlington and Lyndhurst, Bergen County.
Latitude/Longitude: 40.79042/-74.10911
Current Land Use: Passive open space; remediated landfill.
Size: 150 acres
Current Ownership: NJMC
Site Description: Landfill closed in 1988. Remediated in the 1990’s.
Existing Site-Specific Data Inventory
A. Survey, Maps, and GIS
HMD regional data exists inclusive of this site. Surveying and aerial mapping completed in 2001 and 2002.
B. Real Estate/Ownership
Owned by NJMC
C. Site History & Land Use
No data obtained.
D. Biological Studies – Fauna
Baseline data obtained in 2001(revised in 2002).
E. Biological Studies – General Environmental
Baseline data obtained in 2001(revised in 2002). A JD was issued in 2001.
F. Geotechnical
Engineering design report for expansion completed in 1984. Baseline data obtained in 2001 (revised in 2002).
G. Hydraulics and Hydrology
Engineering design report for expansion completed in 1984. Baseline data obtained in 2001 (revised in 2002). Contract drawings for stormwater management available from 1985 and 1989.
H. Water and Sediments
Engineering design report for expansion completed in 1984. Contract drawings for leachate collection system, cutoff wall, and pumping station available from 1989 and 1992.
I. Historical/Cultural Resources
Baseline data obtained in 2001 (revised in 2002).
J. Restoration/Remediation Design Plans
Pilot study for cover material completed in 1994. Contract drawings for expansion and closure available from between 1984 and 1999. Post-closure plan developed in 2002.
Site Reports
Site #47 – Kingsland Landfill
Category: Existing/Potential Remediation Site
Location: Bordered to the west by New Jersey Transit Kingsland Line and the north by New Jersey Transit Main Line, in North Arlington and Lyndhurst, Bergen County.
Latitude/Longitude: 40.79042 / -74.10911
Current Land Use: Passive open space; remediated landfill.
Size: 150 acres
Current Ownership: NJMC
Site Description: Landfill closed in 1988. Remediated in the 1990’s.
Existing Site Specific Data Inventory
* – Report repeated under multiple data categories and/or sites.
A. Survey, Maps, and GIS
Relevant survey, mapping, and GIS data for the Meadowlands can be found in the Meadowlands-wide site report under data category A.
1. GEOD Surveying & Aerial Mapping, Preliminary ALTA/ASCM Land Title Survey Block 192 Lot 4, Block 194 Lot 1, Block 195 Lot 1, Block 197 Lot 1. July 2001. [1a] Survey map at a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet.
2. GEOD Surveying & Aerial Mapping, ALTA/ASCM Land Title Survey Block 198 – Lots 1– 3. August 2001. [1a] Survey map at a scale of 1 inch = 50 feet.
3. GEOD Surveying & Aerial Mapping, ALTA/ASCM Land Title Survey Block 236 – Lot 1.01. August 2001. [1a] Survey map at a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet.
4. *NJMC. Kucera Panochromatic Imagery for the Meadowlands. February 2002. Most recent aerial photographs of the Hackensack Meadowlands District.
B. Real Estate/Ownership
Kingsland Landfill is owned by NJMC
C. Site History & Land Use
No data obtained.
D. Biological Studies – Fauna
5. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located within the Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site, including soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contained an IVA assessment for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan for the mitigation site.
E. Biological Studies – General Environmental
6. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located within the Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site, including soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contained an IVA assessment for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan for the mitigation site.
7. USACE. Jurisdictional Determination: Kingsland Landfill (Application No. 2000-00381-1). 3/20/2001 [2] A jurisdictional determination was performed by the USACE in 1997 for the Kingsland Landfill; it was modified and issued in 2001.
F. Geotechnical
8. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Expansion of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill. August 1984 (revised November 1984). [1a] Engineering design report for the expansion of the Kingsland Landfill.
9. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located within the Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site, including soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contained an IVA assessment for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan for the mitigation site.
G. Hydraulics and Hydrology
10. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Expansion of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill. August 1984 (revised November 1984). [1a] Engineering design report for the expansion of the Kingsland Landfill.
11. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Final Cap and Stormwater Management System Contract 108B. June 1989 [1a] Contract drawings of the final cap and stormwater management systems for the Kingsland Landfill.
12. Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Ditch Stormwater Outlet Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Contract 105A. February 1985. [1a]Contract drawings of ditch stormwater outlet for the Kingsland Landfill.
13. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located within the Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site, including soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contained an IVA assessment for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan for the mitigation site.
H. Water and Sediments
14. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Expansion of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill. August 1984 (revised November 1984). [1a] Engineering design report for the expansion of the Kingsland Landfill.
15. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Compliance Cutoff Wall/Leachate Collection System. April 1992 [1a] Record drawings of Kingsland Landfill compliance cutoff wall and leachate collection system.
16. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Expansion Improvements Contract 106. June 1989 [1a] Record drawings of cutoff wall leachate collection system and pump station.
I. Historical/Cultural Resources
17. *Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Final Wetlands Mitigation Plan for EnCap Golf Holdings, LLC and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission: Brownfield Redevelopment Project. June 2001 (Revised May 2002). [1] Outlines the final wetland mitigation plan for Lyndhurst, Avon, and Rutherford Landfills. The mitigation area is located within the Berry’s Creek Marsh. The report provides a description of wetlands to be impacted at the three landfills, as well as a description of existing conditions of the mitigation site, including soils and surficial geology, hydrology, vegetation, fish and wildlife, and historic resources. The report also contained an IVA assessment for both the existing wetlands and the proposed mitigation wetlands, a detailed wetlands mitigation plan, and maintenance and monitoring plan for the mitigation site.
J. Restoration/Remediation Design Plans
18. BCUA. Pilot Study Extension Report for the Use of Chemically-Stabilized Sludge Product at the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill. 1994. [1a] Pilot study/risk assessment that examined the physical, chemical, and health risk issues related to the use of BCUA’s dewatered, chemically stabilized, and cured sewage sludge at the Kingsland Landfill as a landfill cover material. Compared two chemical stabilization processes considered for the BCUA’s implementation.
19. Camp Dresser McKee. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Closure Contract 98-05. February 1999. [1a] Closure plans for the Kingsland Landfill.
20. Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Expansion of Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Volume IV. August 1984 [1a] Contract drawings for Kingsland Landfill expansion.
21. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Compliance Cutoff Wall/Leachate Collection System. April 1992 [1a] Record drawings of Kingsland Landfill compliance cutoff wall and leachate collection system.
22. Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Expansion Improvements Contract 106. September 1986 [1a] Contract drawings of the Kingsland Landfill expansion improvements.
23. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Expansion Improvements Contract 106. June 1989 [1a] Record drawings of cutoff wall leachate collection system and pump station.
24. *Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Final Cap and Stormwater Management System Contract 108B. June 1989 [1a] Contract drawings of final cap and stormwater management systems for the Kingsland Landfill.
25. Clinton-Bogert Associates. BCUA Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill Improvements Contract 106. November 1986. [1a] Contract documents for improvements to the Kingsland Landfill.
26. HMDC. Capping Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission Portion of Kingsland Park Landfill Contract SW89-001. October 1989. [1a] Contract drawings of capping HMDC portion of the Kingsland Landfill.
27. Paulus, Sokolowski, and Sartor, LLC. Amendment to Landfill Closure/Post-Closure Care and Financial Plan and Application for Sanitary Landfill Disruption Approval: Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill. July 2002. [3] This plan amendment addresses the required landfill work that had not been completed by BCUA, as well as the post-closure care plan provisions and sanitary landfill disruption provisions as listed in the NJDEP Solid Waste Regulations, N.J.A.C. 7:26.
K. Bibliographic Updates
Site #47: Kingsland Landfill