Site Investigation Compilation (MESIC) Report


The MESIC Report, originally published in 2004, contains a wealth of information on individual sites within the Meadowlands District. The information contained within, however, has become dated and is in need of updating. Moreover, new web publishing options need to be explored so that the report is easily accessible.


Phase I and II saw the MESIC Report converted into a Web Site. In Phase III, work has begun on updating the data and making the report more current.


Work cooperatively with the Wetlands Group and others to review and update the data contained within the report. Once the updates are provided, begin to incorporate these changes into the new MESIC Web Site.


  • Collaborate with Wetland Scientists and others in creating updated content.
  • Collaborate with GIS in updating maps and images.
  • Update content online as needed.
  • Update bibliographic data.
  • Update resource links and other content.


  • Complete the development of an updated, current interactive resource for district wide site data that is accessible online, easy to maintain, and to keep updated


Go to theĀ Meadowlands Environmental Site Investigation Compilation (MESIC) report.