• Provide credible, independent validation of MERI’s short-term and long-term strategic direction in terms of the research and implementation plans.
• Provide information on Federal and State programs that may contribute to funding and expertise to MERI for addressing the environmental problems of the District
Dr. Larry A. Nelson North Carolina State University 319 Scott Hall P.O. Box 7608 Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 Phone: 919-515-2665 Fax: 919-515-3928 Email: larry_nelson@ncsu.edu |
Dr. Mary Anne Thiesing
Regional Wetlands Specialist USEPA Region 2 290 Broadway New York, New York 10007 Phone: 212-637-3818 Fax: 212-637-3889 Email: Thiesing.Mary@epamail.epa.gov |
Dr. Robert Hazen NJ Department of Environmental Protection Division of Policy, Planning & Science 401 East State Street Trenton, New Jersey Phone: 609-292-8294 Email: Bob.Hazen@dep.state.nj.us |
Hamilton Smillie NOAA Coastal Service Center 2234 South Hobson Avenue Charleston, South Carolina 29405 Phone: 843-740-1192 Email: Hamilton.smillie@noaa.gov |
Bryce Wisemiller Project Manager USACE 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 Phone: 917-790-8307 fax: 212-264-2924 Email: Bryce.W.Wisemiller@nan02.usace.army.mil |
Dr. Edward Kirby Dean of Faculty Arts & Sciences (Ex officio) Rutgers University University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102 Phone: 973-353-5213 Fax: 973-353-1442 Email: ekirby@andromedia.rutgers.edu |
Dr. Robert S. Chen Deputy Director Center for International Earth Science Information Network The Earth Institute Columbia University P.O. Box 1000 61 Route 9W Palisades, New York 10964 Phone: 201-460-4660 Fax: 845-365-8922 Email: bchen@ciesin.columbia.edu |