Published Works:
Windham, L., Weis, J. S., Weis, P. (2001). Patterns and Processes of Mercury Release From Leaves of Two Dominant Salt Marsh Macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora. Estuaries, 24(6A), 787-795. MDOC 2001-009 Article Abstract
Ghirardini, C., Chun, S.A., Atluri, V. (April 18, 2001). CIMIC Satellite Image Database: Multi-Dimensional Indexing for Efficient Retrieval. Report submitted to the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. MDOC 2001-001
Wong, M.C. (June 2001). Land Use Changes in the Meadowlands. M.S. Thesis. Prepared under the direction of Dr. Jean Marie Hartman, Graduate School-New Brunswick, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ, USA. MDOC 2002-032
Conference Presentations:
Adam, N.R., Artigas, F., Atluri, V., Chun, S.A., Colbert, S., Degeratu, M., Ebeid, A., Hatzivassiloglou, V., Holowczak, R., Marcopolus, O., Mazzoleni, P., Rayner, W., Yesha, Y. (May 21-23, 2001). E-Government: Human-Centered Systems for Business Services. National Science Foundation Conference on Digital-Government, dg.o 2001. Redondo Beach, CA. MDOC 2001-016 Conference Proceedings
Artigas, F., Bora, I., Ceberio, R. (July 15-19, 2001). A Coastal Decision Support System for the Hackensack Meadowlands. Proceedings of the 12th. Biennial Coastal Zone Conference. Cleveland, OH.
Artigas, F.J., Ceberio, R., Bora, I. (January 8-11, 2001). The Hackensack Meadowlands Coastal Management Decision Support System. Proceedings of the 2nd. Biennial Coastal GeoTools ’01 Conference. Charleston, SC. Abstract
Artigas, F.J., Barrett, K.R., Holowczak, R. (January 7-9, 2001). Digital Meadowlands: A Web-based Decision Support System for an Urban Estuarine Watershed. Integrated Decision-Making for Watershed Management Symposium: Processes and Tools. Chevy Chase, MD. Comp File TC 409.I58 2001
Ghirardini, C., Chun, S.A., Atluri, V., Kamel, I., Adam, N.R. (September 3-7, 2001). A Study on the Indexing of Satellite Images at NASA Regional Application Center. Proceedings, 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2001). Munich, Germany. Abstract
Holowczak, R., Chun, S., Artigas, F., Atluri, V. (November 9-10, 2001). Customized Geospatial Workflows for E-government Services. ACM-GIS 2001, The Ninth ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Atlanta, GA. Abstract