Research and Publications 2000


Published Works:

Barrett, K.R. (2000). Urban Stormwater Management and Nonpoint Source Pollution Control. In Jay H. Lehr, Janet K. Lehr (Eds.), Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. pp 9.42-9.76

Barrett, K.R. , McBrien, M.A. (2000). Wetlands. In Jay H. Lehr, Janet K. Lehr (Eds.), Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. pp 19.20-19.47

Bart, D., Hartman, J.M. (2000). Environmental Determinants of Phragmites Australis Expansion in a New Jersey Salt Marsh: An Experimental Approach. Oikos: An International Journal Of Ecology, 89(1), 59-69.  MDOC 2000-023   Abstract

Burke, D.J., Weis, J.S., Weis, P. (2000). Release of Metals by the Leaves of the Salt Marsh Grasses Spartina Alterniflora and Phragmites Australis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 51(2), 153-159.  MDOC 2000-026   Abstract

Weis, J.S., Weis, P. (2000). Behavioral Responses and Interactions of Estuarine Animals With an Invasive Marsh Plant: A Laboratory Analysis. Biological Invasions, 2(4), 305-314.  MDOC 2000-008  Abstract




Granger, E.A.M.S. (May 2000). An In Situ Study of Organic Contamination Using Induced Polarization. M.S. Thesis. Prepared under the direction of Dr. Samuel Peavy, Department of Geological Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Newark, NJ, USA.

Conference Presentations:

Artigas, F.J., Bora, I. (April 2000). A Paradigm Shift and the New Role of Geographical Information Systems in Public Administration. Proceedings of the Visions 2000 American Society of Public Administrators Conference. San Diego, CA.

Artigas, F.J., Holowczak, R. (March 19, 2000). Asthma Distribution Patterns and Their Relationship With the Urban Landscape and Social Conditions In Newark NJ. International Health Geographics Conference. Chevy Chase, MD.

Artigas, F.J., (March 14, 2000). A Decision Support System for the Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission. MAC URISA/ NJ SMAC 2000 Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.