EPA conducted a briefing on the Berry’s Creek Study area (BCSA) remedial investigation at the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. The consulting group ELM has recently concluded field investigations of the BCSA which started in 2010. The study includes Berry’s Creek which is a 6.5-mile tributary of the Hackensack River and its surrounding wetlands and waterways. The creek originates near Teterboro Airport, meanders through reed marshes, and then discharges into the Hackensack River. Berry’s Creek Study Area has been impacted by three federal Superfund sites (Ventron/Velsicol, Universal Oil Products and Scientific Chemical Processing) as well as several other hazardous waste sites. The Ventron/Velsicol site located in the boroughs of Wood-Ridge and Carlstadt contained a former mercury processing plant that operated from 1929 until 1974. Process waste, containing mercury and other contaminants was disposed on the 40-acre property. Soils, groundwater, surface water and sediments are contaminated. Off-site sediments and surface water are also contaminated. Mercury and PCBs are the primary contaminants and have been found at elevated levels throughout the surface water, sediment and biota in the area.