Avian Data

Data Source: Oritani Marsh Mitigation Site - Baseline Studies, The Louis Berger Group, Inc., February 2001.

Data is based on a  tally of birds observed during five minute intervals that were conducted weekly at each location from 4/7/00 to 6/16/00 for the spring data and 9/22/00 to 11/10/00 for the fall data.


Avian Observation - Fall.jpg (204239 bytes)

Avian Observation Data - Fall

Avian Observation - Spring.jpg (204111 bytes)

Avian Observation Data - Spring

Inventory of Avian Species - Fall.jpg (116962 bytes)

Inventory of Avian Species from Fall Observation

Inventory of Avian Species - Spring.jpg (107851 bytes)

Inventory of Avian Species from Spring Observation